Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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88 lines
\ rfl writing to offscreen bitmaps
:CLASS bitMap <Super barray
Var BaseAddr
Int RowBytes
Rect BndsRect
\ ( n l t r b -- )
:M PUT: Put: bndsRect Put: RowBytes
idxbase +base Put: BaseAddr ;M
:CLASS copier <super grafPort
var destPort \ destination grafPort (abs)
rect destRect \ destination rectangle
var offscreen \ hold copy of bitmap address
int mode \ copy mode
\ **** initialize ****
:M mode: ( n --) put: mode ;M
:M destPort: ( window --) +base put: destPort ;M
:M destRect: ( l t r b --) put: destRect ;M
\ **** creation ****
:M open: (abs) call openPort ;M
:M rowBytes: ( -- n) size: destRect drop 15 + 4 >> 1 << ;M
:M new: { \ myBitMap rows -- }
open: self
rowBytes: self -> rows \ calc rowbytes
rows size: destRect swap drop * \ calc size of bitmap
heap> bitMap -> myBitMap \ create bitmap on heap
rows get: destRect put: myBitMap \ init bitmap
myBitMap put: offScreen \ store pointer for disposing
pushPort set: self \ set bitmap to grafport
myBitMap +base call setPortBits
get: destRect ^base 16 + put: rect
popPort ;M
:M close: (abs) call closePort dispose: offscreen ;M
\ *** manipulation ****
:M draw: ^base 2+ +base obj: destPort 2+
(abs) 16 + abs: destRect
int: mode
get: destPort -base 24 + @ call copyBits ;M \ draw in visrgn of destPort
:M save: obj: destPort 2+ ^base 2+ +base
abs: destRect (abs) 16 +
word0 get: destPort -base 24 + @ call copyBits ;M \ write over previous
:M offset: ( dx dy -- ) offset: destRect ;M
:M moveTo: { x y -- } x getTopX: destRect - y getTopY: destRect -
offset: destRect ;M
:M clear: clear: [ obj: offScreen ] ;M
\ example
\ copier bob
\ 30 30 130 130 destrect: bob \ getrect: myPort destrect: bob
\ fwind destport: bob
\ new: bob
\ set: fwind
\ to draw into offscreen bitmap: 'set: bob' then all output to
\ screen goes offscreen. To draw bitmap to desport, 'draw: bob'
\ to save what is in destrect in destport, 'save: bob'.
\ sequence should be
\ destrect, destport, mode?
\ new: which creates bitmap, stores into grafport, and putrect
\ Any rectangular area within a window could be the destrect, even the
\ port.rect. save: copies the window into the offscreen bitmap
\ and draw: will return it to the window.
\ Alternatively, one could set: the copier object, draw into it,
\ then draw:...this will draw into the visrgn of the dest window.